Tuesday, November 08, 2005

For christs sake, it was lesbian cheerleaders.........

ok ladies, this is shoes "lesson number one on men". yesterday i posted a story about two carolina panther cheerleaders that got in a fight in a bar because they were having sex in a bathroom stall and took too long. the first comment i get is from ccw and she states that this story doesnt excite her. ok i respect that all women are not just waiting to have a lesbian expirence while i watch but ...throw me a bone here. just act like you are. we couldnt be more simple creatures. lesbian cheerleaders excite us. if we think you like it too it excites us more. deep down inside we know you arent going out to bring home two cheerleaders for us...but a boy can dream .....cant he? you dont have to act on it....just act like you would. we do that when we go shopping with you guys. we act like we want to see you try on 800 dresses and trapise out of the dressing room to show us.....but we dont and i dont think your fooled by our act either. these were lesbian cheerleaders for christs sake. this is like if a truckload of designer dresses would flip in front of your house, scattering dresses all over your lawn. imagine the orgasm you would have. its like that for us. ladies, please pretend this story excites you. your man will thank you over and over. forget the fact that the bathroom stall in a bar is like a giant dna expirement and there rolling in it. we dont care and you shouldnt either. thats lesson number one ladies. i'll roll out more lessons as i feel they are needed.


ccw said...

Sorry to have disappointed you. Let me clarify my statement, that story does not excite me at the moment (I think its the looking pregnant thing -doesn't really inspire me to get naked with girls).

I fully admit, that I have had my "lesbian" moments, so you can dream on that...

shoes said...

see now thats the attitude. and btw i find pregnant women very sexy

ccw said...

Why does that not surprise me?

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

That's a pretty hot story. The blonde was even pretty. I keep trying to imagine how two girls get it on in a stall... Doesn't big brother have video cameras in bathrooms yet?

P.S. I would never make my husband shop with me. We have a "meet you in the food court in two hours" relationship!