Thursday, November 10, 2005

Evolution, win some-lose some..........

election day has come and gone. here in the burg we got more of the same ol shit. our mayor is one of the good ol boys and this city will just continue to sink like a stone. pittsburgh is incredibly democrat. people vote democrat here no matter what. if the dems put hitler on the ballot there would be buttons that said "what about all the good things hitler did?". its a as bad as the jackasses that vote republican without thinking. one thing caught my eye though. evolution. it won here in central pennsylvania but took an asswhipping in kansas. in the middle of pa a school board was trying to get "intelligent design" on the curriculum. "intelligent design" is another way of saying creationism. " intelligent design" is neither intelligent or a design. its reverse darwinism. people who believe it are de-evolving. eight of the nine school board members were voted out yesterday. maybe the folks in pennsyltucky (the area between philadelphia and pittsburgh) arent so stupid. on the other hand people in kansas voted for the teaching of creationism even though the nea was against it, even though the national academy of science was against went through. i wonder where kansas ranks among the fifty states on the stupidity scale? is it any wonder that the united states is falling behind the rest of the world in science. i dont care if they teach creationism but it shouldnt be taught in science class. it should be taught in the same class that greek mythology is taught. you see science class is for shit thats real. i have seen dinosaur bones, i havent seen gods bones. there is proof that dinosaurs existed, the only proof that god existed was a book of fiction..namely the bible. so in conclusion it was a dark day for kansas but a good day for pennsylvania. scientology doesnt look that crazy after all.


ccw said...

Well where have you been? Don't you know dinosaurs were on the ark? Or so says the crazy that is opening the Creation Museum in No. KY.

shoes said...

thats right those fuckers ate all the unicorns

We sing we dance we steal things said...

Just like a good Christian, make it up as you go along.