Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Rick santorum- national dickhead.........

rick santorum joined conservative christian leaders at a black church in philadelphia on sunday during something called justice sunday III. this little get together is broadcast over christian broadcast stations and church telecasts to point out that the country is slipping away from them because of "liberal activist judges". you might remember the liberal activist judges. they're the people who think you still have rights. they think that the religious right doesnt own the rights to everything moral because they read a book of fiction (the bible). santorum said "extreme liberal judges are destroying traditional morality and creating a new moral code". hey rick, no one wants you to change your morals. no one is inviting you to the orgy just dont imprint your morals on me. one of his buddies on the dias was rev herbert h lusk who leads something called greater exodus. in the spirit of christians beating down everyone and everything who dont agree with them he railed against gay marriage, abortion and what he termed as christian-bashing, and warned that those who trifle with "people of god will face consequences. "dont fool with the church" said rev lusk "because the chirch has buried many a critic, and all the critics we have not buried, we are making funeral arangements for". yes ,rev lusk, the church has buried many a critic. the inquisition was a real win for christianity. anyone get the feeling that rev lusk is done debating and ready for a good crucifiction or, even better, burning someone at the stake. these men along with jerry falwell were there to expound the virtues of judge alito and pray for his confirmation. thats all i need to know about judge alito. i pray that he doesnt get in because of these men. with men of this quality standing behind him the country doesnt need him.

keep your religion out of my life and i'll stay out of your church.


ccw said...

I can never understand why as so-called Christian would make such comments. They are very unChristian-like and nobody is ever going to convert with such hate filled rhetoric.

Rick Santorum is simply nuts. Maybe he feels guilty about the dead kittens he is responsible for? LOL

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

Well said shoes! I don't look to the headlines (or world leaders) to define my moral barometer and anyone who does is not salvageable!

I just want to be left alone to mainline secretly santioned narcotics, have abortions, and get rich according to the tenets of capitalism.... is that so wrong?