Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Of cartoons, videos and bad luck........

in san francisco the planned parenthood chapter has a cartoon that shows a pro-choice superhero killing abstinence supporters and abortion clinic protesters. now some of you (who have a sense of humor similar to mine) might find this funny or at the very worst not very well thought out but this just isnt right. any of you who have read this blog before can guess that i am extremely pro choice but these folks stepped over the line. there would be people all up in arms over this if it were the othter way around....a pro-abortion superhero killing pro-choice people. some psycho is going to see that and say to himself "i can be a superhero. i'll just kill some protesters".the planned parenthood people have just got to use their heads. sometimes you just have to take the high road. that being said, i'd love to see the cartoon. it sounds funny.

a south korean man died after playing video games for around 50 hours straight. well no shit. frankly after that he should have asked people to kill him. this guy had quit his job so that he could spend more time playing games. this guy really didnt need to be in the gene pool anyways. this goes back to my theory of how to control the mid east. our soldiers should just pack up and leave iraq, apologizing all the way and as a gift to say we are sorry we should leave them coca cola, twinkies, playboxes and computers. in one generation their kids would be just as fat and lazy as ours. you think a young iraqi boy would blow himself up instead of sitting around watching internet porn. "blow myself up. let me get back to you right after this movie of two chicks doing a goat".

speaking of bad luck christopher reeve's widow dana has been diagnosed with lung cancer. LUNG CANCER! hasnt this chick been through enough. holy shit. is this the unluckiest family ever. i wish her well, this chick has been through enough.

it wednesday...blah blah blah blah blah. have a good one


ccw said...

I'm with you, PP would be apoplectic if this was coming from the other side. While it may suck to take the high road, I think it is necessary when dealing with abortion.

twinkies and video games, I love that idea! Again, won't you go run our country while W is off on vacation?

shoes said...

actually i'm way too honest to be a politcian. they would bump me off faster than jfk. politicians would have pay and benefit cuts and term limits though

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

PP did indeed go too far, I really wish they hadn't put that kind of propaganda out there... for shame (it does sound funny doesn't it!)

Okay, how fucking addictive is this video game. That would be like me quitting my job to drink more beer... oh wait, I already did that!

Mandelbrot's Chaos said...

First, shoes, you're the master of this site. Block La Bona. Besides, if you'd've just ignored it, it would've gone away. I did the same on my first post on my blog.

Second, I can't help wondering if what actually killed him was deep vein thrombosis from clots forming as he sat in virtually the same position for 50 hours or some other circulatory problem. Either way, what an idiot.