Monday, July 25, 2005

Dressing yourself and other gambles......

you dont realize how much you use your shoulders. sometimes i need to get help out of bed...or off of the couch. thats humbling but near as humbling as having to have help getting dressed. i thought i would do it myself but after breaking out in a horrible sweat and hurting my shoulder i asked my wife. she smiled and said "no problem" but i could tell with that smile she was laughing at me inside. at least i could wipe my own ass. the pain pills are a strong narcotic (or so they said) and i took two before going to bed......bad move. these didnt give you the cool halucinations that they show on tv, you know the ones, bright colors, talking flowers, everyone happy. no, these were the kind where they are in black and white (mostly black) with devil chasing you while riding a dragon and trying to steal your soul. i'll cut that back to one tonight for sure. so its one more humiliating day in a life full of them....big deal. i'll get over it.

its monday......lets have some fun

1 comment:

ccw said...

Sorry you didn't get the "happy" pills. At least you can wipe.

Hope you feel better soon!